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 About Us

             Ashirvad industries Manufacturing Group, the one source for all your manufacturing needs, leads the industry in customer satisfaction by providing a complete range of high-quality manufacturing services to streamline your product planning and expedite your production schedules. From product development to prototyping, from tooling design to precision manufacturing, from state-of-the-art production to guaranteed delivery, rely on ASHIRVAD to handle every phase of your project. We have the training, the equipment and the expertise to deliver fast, effective solutions to even your most challenging applications.
Our Comprehensive Services Include:

-- Glazing Line & Tile Printing
-- Composite Pultrusion Machine
-- Customize Application Process Equipments

Ashirvad is dedicated to service and partnership. We make it our business to understand your business. We listen to your needs and then work with you to develop proactive, cost effective solutions to all your manufacturing needs.

The company is also under the process of gaining the prestigious ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION.
The company's rich history of awards, clients from around the globe and every corner of the nation is an open proof of our quality work.

From the every beginning the organization's motto has been

"A smile of satisfaction on the Client's face is everything for us."

Webmaster :  Sanjay Gajjar  :  sbgajjar@gmail.com
© Copyright 2008 Ashirvad Industries  All rights reserved.

Manufacturer & Exporter of Pultrusion Machine,Pultrusion Machinery, Glazing Line & Tile Printing, Heavy Equipment, Automatic Screen Printing Machine,,Brushing Device, Edge Scraping Device, Fine Dust Blowers, Water Spray / Fixative Booth,Water Fall Glazing Unit,Gravity Step Flow Box,Bell Glazing Unit,Single Disc Booth